Dates Event School(s)
9/3/2018 Labor Day All Schools
9/4/2018 First Day of School All Schools
10/8/2018 Columbus Day All Schools
10/31/2018 Halloween All Schools
11/2/2018 School Improvement Day All Schools
11/4/2018 Daylight Saving Time Ends All Schools
11/8/2018 School Improvement Day - No Class All Schools
11/11/2018 Veteran's Day All Schools
11/14/2018 Parent-Teacher Day
Tanner Elem School
Tarkington Elem School
Taylor Elem School
Telpochcalli Elem School
Thorp J N Elem School
Thorp O A Elem Scholastic Acad
Tilden Achievement Academy Hs
Fiske Elem School
Fort Dearborn Elem School
Foster Park Elem School
Foundations Elem School
Franklin Elem Fine Arts Center
Frazier Elem School
Fuller Elem School
Fulton Elem School
Funston Elem School
Galapagos Elem Charter School
Gale Elem Community Academy
Galileo Elem Math & Sci Schol Acd
Gallistel Elem Language Academy
Garvey M Elem School
Garvy J Elem School
Gary Elem School
South Shore Community Academy Hs
Southside Occupational Acad Hs
Spencer Elem Math & Sci Academy
Spry Elem Community School
Stagg Elem School
Steinmetz Academic Centre Hs
Stevenson Elem School
Stewart Elem School
Stock Elem School
Stockton Elem School
Stone Elem Scholastic Academy
Stowe Elem School
Suder Montessori Elem Magnet Schl
Sullivan Elem School
Sumner Elem Math & Sci Comm Acad
Sutherland Elem School
Swift Elem Specialty School
Talman Elem School
Castellanos Elem School
Cather Elem School
Chalmers Elem Specialty School
Chappell Elem School
Chase Elem School
McClellan Elem School
McCorkle Elem School
McCormick Elem School
McCosh Elem School
McCutcheon Elem School
McDade Elem Classical School
McDowell Elem School
McKay Elem School
McKinley Park Elem School
McNair Elem School
McPherson Elem School
Medill Elem School
Melody Elem School
Metcalfe Elem Community Academy
Ashburn Community Elem School
Holden Elem School
Holmes Elem School
Bright Elem School
Brighton Park Elem School
Bronzeville Scholastic Acad Hs
Brooks College Prep Academy Hs
Brown R Elem Community Acad
Brown W Elem School
Brownell Elem School
Brunson Math & Sci Specialty Elem
Buckingham Special Education Ctr
Budlong Elem School
Bunche Elem School
Burbank Elem School
Morse Elem School
Pulaski Elem Fine Arts Academy
Pullman Elem School
Randolph Elem School
Ravenswood Elem School
Ray Elem School
Reavis Elem Math & Sci Spec Schl
Reed Elem School
Reilly Elem School
Reinberg Elem School
Revere Elem School
Sherwood Elem School
Shields Elem School
Shoesmith Elem School
Shoop Math-Sci Tech Elem Academy
Simpson Acad Hs For Young Women
Skinner Elem School
Smith W Elem School
Smyser Elem School
Smyth J Elem School
Solomon Elem School
Whittier Elem School
Wildwood Elem School
Williams Medical Prep Elem School
Williams Middle Prep Academy
Williams Multiplex Elem School
Bell Elem School
Belmont-Cragin Elem School
Bennett Elem School
Bethune Elem School
Betsy Ross Elem School
Big Picture Hs - Metro
Big Picture Hs -Back Of The Yards
Grissom Elem School
Guggenheim Elem School
Gunsaulus Elem Scholastic Academy
Carver Military Academy Hs
Carver Primary School
Casals Elem School
Cassell Elem School
Goodlow Elem Magnet School
Goudy Elem School
Robinson Elem School
Rogers Elem School
Roque De Duprey Elem School
Rudolph Elem Learning Center
Ruggles Elem School
Ruiz Elem School
Dixon Elem School
Dodge Elem School
Doolittle Elem School
Dore Elem School
Graham A Elem School
Graham R Training Center
Grant Elem Community Academy
Gray Elem School
Greeley Elem School
Woodlawn Elem Community School
Woods Elem Math & Science Academy
Blair Early Childhood Center
Bond Elem School
Bontemps Elem School
Talcott Elem School
Banneker Elem School
Barnard Elem Comp Math & Sci Ctr
Barry Elem School
Barton Elem School
Bass Elem School
Bateman Elem School
Beard Elem School
Midway Elem Academy
Mireles Elem Academy
Mitchell Elem School
Mollison Elem School
Monroe Elem School
Montefiore Special Elem School
Moos Elem School
Morgan Elem School
Morrill Elem Math & Sci School
Vanderpoel Elem Magnet School
Vick Early Childhood & Family Ctr
Vines Preparatory Academy Hs
Volta Elem School
Von Humboldt Elem School
Von Steuben Metro Science Hs
Wacker Elem School
Wadsworth Elem School
Walsh Elem School
Ward J Elem School
Ward L Elem School
Warren Elem School
Washington G Elem School
Washington H Elem School
Waters Elem School
Jenner Elem Academy Of The Arts
Jensen Elem Scholastic Academy
Johns Elem Community Academy
Johnson Elem School
Joplin Elem School
Jordan Elem Community School
Juarez Community Academy Hs
Jungman Elem School
Kanoon Elem Magnet School
Keller Elem Gifted Magnet School
Kellman Corporate Community Elem
Kellogg Elem School
Kershaw Elem School
Key Elem School
Kilmer Elem School
King Elem School
Kinzie Elem School
Kipling Elem School
Kipp Ascend Charter Elem School
Kipp Chicago Youth Vill Elem Acad
Kohn Elem School
Kozminski Elem Community Academy
Lafayette Elem School
Lara Elem Academy
Las Casas Occupational Hs
Lasalle Elem Language Academy
Lathrop Elem School
Lavizzo Elem School
Lawndale Elem Community Academy
Lawrence Elem School
Learn Elem Charter School
Lee Elem School
Legacy Elem Charter School
Leland Elem School
Lemoyne Elem School
Green W Elem School
Greene N Elem School
Songhai Elem Learning Institute
South Chicago Community Elem Schl
South Loop Elem School
Haines Elem School
Hale Elem School
Haley Elem Academy
Hamilton Elem School
Hamline Elem School
Hammond Elem School
Hampton Elem Fine & Perf Arts School
Hancock College Preparatory Hs
Hanson Park Elem School
Harlan Community Academy Hs
Harte Elem School
Powell Elem Paideia Comm Academy
Prescott Elem School
Price Intermediate & Upper School
Howland Elem School Of The Arts
Hoyne Elem School
Hughes C Elem School
Hughes L Elem School
Hurley Elem School
Inter-American Elem Magnet School
Irving Elem School
Irving Park Middle School
Jackson A Elem Language Acad
Jackson M Elem School
Jahn Elem School
Jamieson Elem School
Jefferson N Elem Alt School
Chopin Elem School
Christopher Elem School
Claremont Academy Elem School
Clark G R Elem School
Clay Elem School
Clemente Achievement Academy Hs
Clemente Community Academy Hs
Cleveland Elem School
Clinton Elem School
Clissold Elem School
Colemon J Elem Academy
Coles Elem Language Academy
Columbia Explorers Elem Academy
Columbus Elem School
Cook Elem School
Coonley Elem School
Cooper Elem Dual Language Academy
Copernicus Elem School
Corkery Elem School
Courtenay Elem Language Arts Ctr
Crane Achievement Academy Hs
Crown Elem Comm Acd Fine Arts Ctr
Cuffe Math-Sci Tech Elem Academy
Cullen Elem School
Curtis Elem School
Daley Elem Academy
Darwin Elem School
West Park Elem Academy
West Pullman Elem School
Westcott Elem School
Westinghouse Achievement Acad Hs
Westinghouse Career Academy Hs
Whistler Elem School
White Elem Career Academy
Whitney Elem School
Locke J Elem School
Logandale Middle School
Lovett Elem School
Lowell Elem School
Lozano Elem Bilingual & Intl Ctr
Lyon Elem School
Madero Middle School
Madison Elem School
Manierre Elem School
Mann Elem School
Pasteur Elem School
Payton College Preparatory Hs
Peabody Elem School
Peck Elem School
Peirce Elem Intl Studies School
Penn Elem School
Perez Elem School
Pershing Elem Humanities Magnet
Pershing West Elem Magnet School
Peterson Elem School
Phoenix Military Acad H S
Piccolo Elem Specialty School
Pickard Elem School
Pilsen Elem Community Academy
Pirie Elem Fine Arts & Academic C
Plamondon Elem School
Poe Elem Classical School
Pope Elem School
Portage Park Elem School
Abbott Elem School
Acad Of Comm & Tech Charter Hs
Addams Elem School
Agassiz Elem School
Albany Park Multicultural Elem
Alcott Elem School
Aldridge Elem School
Alternative Learning Community Hs
Altgeld Elem School
Ames Middle School
Andersen H C Elem Community Acad
Anderson S Elem Community Acad
Arai Intl Cps Scholars Middle School
Ariel Elem Community Academy
Nightingale Elem School
Ninos Heroes Elem Academic Ctr
Nixon Elem School
Nobel Elem School
North Lawndale Charter Hs
North River Elem School
Northside College Prep H S
Northside Learning Center
Northwest Middle School
Norwood Park Elem School
Ogden Elem School
Oglesby Elem School
Okeeffe Elem School
Onahan Elem School
Oriole Park Elem School
Orozco Elem Fine Arts & Sciences
Orr Campus Pre-Kindergarten
Ortiz De Dominguez Elem School
Otis Elem School
Otoole Elem School
Overton Elem School
Owen Elem Scholastic Academy
Owens Elem Community Academy
Paderewski Elem Learning Academy
Schubert Elem School
Second Chance Alternative Hs
Senn Achievement Academy Hs
Boone Elem School
Bouchet Elem Math & Science Acad
Bowen Environmental Studies Hs
Bradwell Comm Arts & Sci Elem School
Brennemann Elem School
Brentano Elem Math & Science Acad
Bridge Elem School
Gregory Math & Sci Elem Academy
Gresham Elem School
Grimes Elem School
Harvard Elem School
Haugan Elem School
Hawthorne Elem Scholastic Academy
Hay Elem Community Academy
Hayt Elem School
Healy Elem School
Hearst Elem School
Hedges Elem School
Hefferan Elem School
Morton Elem Career Academy
Mount Greenwood Elem School
Mount Vernon Elem School
Mozart Elem School
Murphy Elem School
Murray Elem Language Academy
Namaste Elem Charter
Nash Elem School
National Teachers Elem Academy
Near North Special Ed Center
Neil Elem School
Nettelhorst Elem School
Tilden Career Communty Academy Hs
Tilton Elem School
Tonti Elem School
Trumbull Elem School
Turner-Drew Elem Language Academy
Twain Elem School
Univ Of Chicago Elem Charter Schl
Uno Network Elem Charter School
Davis Developmental Center
Davis M Elem Academy
Davis N Elem School
Dawes Elem School
De Diego Elem Community Academy
De La Cruz Elem Math & Sci Spec
Decatur Classical Elem School
Delano Elem School
Deneen Elem School
Depriest Elem School
Dett Elem School
Seward Elem Communication Arts Ac
Sexton Elem School
Shabazz International Chart Elem
Sheridan Elem Math & Science Acad
Everett Elem School
Evergreen Academy Elem School
Evers Elem School
Fairfield Elem Academy
Falconer Elem School
Faraday Elem School
Farnsworth Elem School
Farragut Career Academy Hs
Farren Fine Arts Elem School
Fenger Achievement Academy Hs
Fermi Elem School
Fernwood Elem School
Field Elem School
Finkl Elem School
New Field Elem School
Newberry Elem Math & Science Acad
Nia Middle Elem School
Nicholson Elem Math & Science
Drake Elem School
Drummond Elem School
Dubois Elem School
Dulles Elem School
Dumas Elem School
Dunbar Vocational Career Acad Hs
Dunne Elem Math Sci & Tech Acad
Durkin Park Elem School
Dvorak Elem Specialty Academy
Earhart Elem Opt For Knowl School
Earle Elem School
Eberhart Elem School
Ebinger Elem School
Edgebrook Elem School
Edison Elem Regional Gifted Cntr
Edwards Elem School
Ellington Elem School
Emmet Elem School
Englewood Achievement Academy Hs
Englewood Technical Prep Acad Hs
Ericson Elem Scholastic Academy
Erie Elem Charter School
Esmond Elem School
Woodson South Elem School
Yale Elem School
Yates Elem School
Young Elem School
Young Womens Leadership Chrtr School
Youth Connections Charter Hs
Zapata Elem Academy
Black Magnet Elem School
Blaine Elem School
Armour Elem School
Armstrong G Elem Intl Studies
Armstrong L Elem Math & Sci
Beasley Elem Magnet Academic Ctr
Beaubien Elem School
Beethoven Elem School
Marconi Elem Community Academy
Marquette Elem School
Marsh Elem School
Marshall Metropolitan H S
Marshall Middle School
Mason Elem School
May Elem Community Academy
Mayer Elem School
Mayo Elem School
Mays Elem Academy
McAuliffe Elem School
Princeton A C Elem School
Pritzker Elem School
Prosser Career Academy Hs
Prussing Elem School
Henderson Elem School
Hendricks Elem Community Academy
Henry Elem School
Henson Elem School
Herbert Elem School
Herzl Elem School
Hibbard Elem School
Higgins Elem Community Academy
Hinton Elem School
Hirsch Metropolitan H S
Hitch Elem School
Chavez Elem Multicultural Acad Ct
Chgo Childrens Choir Elem Charter
Chicago Academy Elem School
Chicago Discovery Academy Hs
Chicago Hs For Agricult Sciences
Chicago International Charter
Chicago Math & Sci Elem Charter
Chicago Military Academy Hs
Chicago Voc Achievement Acad Hs
Chicago Vocational Career Acad Hs
Ashe Elem School
Attucks Elem School
Dever Elem School
Dewey Elem Academy Of Fine Arts
Dirksen Elem School
Disney Elem Magnet School
Burke Elem School
Burley Elem School
Burnham Elem Inclusive Academy
Burnside Elem Scholastic Academy
Burr Elem School
Burroughs Elem School
Byrne Elem School
Caldwell Elem Acad Of Math & Sci
Calhoun North Elem School
Calumet Career Prep Academy Hs
Cameron Elem School
Canter Middle School
Canty Elem School
Cardenas Elem School
Carnegie Elem School
Carpenter Elem School
Carroll Elem School
Carson Elem School
Carter Elem School
Carver Middle School
Beidler Elem School
Belding Elem School
Lindblom College Prep H S
Lindblom Math & Science Acad Hs
Linne Elem School
Little Village Elem School
Lloyd Elem School
Locke A Elem Charter Academy
Webster Elem School
Wells Community Academy Hs
Wells Preparatory Elem Academy
Wentworth Elem School
Richards Career Academy Hs
Robeson Achievement Academy Hs
School Of Social Justice Hs
Gillespie Elem School
Gladstone Elem School
Goethe Elem School
Goldblatt Elem School
Gompers Elem Fine Arts Opt School
Sherman Elem School
Lenart Elem Regional Gifted Ctr
Lewis Elem School
Libby Elem School
Lincoln Elem School
Parkman Elem School
Parkside Elem Community Academy
Passages Elem Charter
Ryder Elem Math & Sci Spec School
Ryerson Elem School
Sabin Elem Magnet School
Salazar Elem Bilingual Center
Sandoval Elem School
Saucedo Elem Scholastic Academy
Sauganash Elem School
Sawyer Elem School
Sayre Elem Language Academy
Scammon Elem School
Schiller Elem School
Schmid Elem School
Schneider Elem School
Palmer Elem School
Park Manor Elem School
Parker Elem Community Academy
Audubon Elem School
Avalon Park Elem School
Avondale Elem School
Howe Elem School
11/15/2018 Parent-Teacher Day
Aasta - Orr High School
Acad Of Comm & Tech Charter Hs
Ace Technical Charter High School
Alternative Learning Community Hs
Amundsen High School
Aspira Charter High School
Austin Community High School
Best Practice High School
Big Picture Hs - Metro
Big Picture Hs -Back Of The Yards
Bogan High School
Bowen Environmental Studies Hs
Bowen High School
Bronzeville Scholastic Acad Hs
Brooks College Prep Academy Hs
Calumet Career Prep Academy Hs
Carver Military Academy Hs
Chicago Academy High School
Chicago Discovery Academy Hs
Chicago Hs For Agricult Sciences
Chicago Military Academy Hs
Chicago Voc Achievement Acad Hs
Chicago Vocational Career Acad Hs
Clark Acad Prep Magnet High Schl
Clemente Achievement Academy Hs
Clemente Community Academy Hs
Collins High School
Corliss High School
Cps Virtual Nclb High School
Crane Achievement Academy Hs
Crane Technical Prep High School
Curie Metropolitan High School
Devry Advantage Academy High Schl
Douglass Academy High School
Douglass F Junior High Academy
Dugan Alternative High School
Dunbar Vocational Career Acad Hs
Dusable High School
Dyett High School
Englewood Technical Prep Acad Hs
Entrepreneurshp High School
Excel - Orr High School
Taft High School
Tilden Achievement Academy Hs
Tilden Career Communty Academy Hs
Uplift Community High School
Vaughn Occupational High School
Vines Preparatory Academy Hs
Von Steuben Metro Science Hs
Washington G High School
Wells Community Academy Hs
Westinghouse Achievement Acad Hs
Westinghouse Career Academy Hs
World Language High School
York Alternative High School
Young Magnet High School
Youth Connections Charter Hs
Fenger Academy High School
Fenger Achievement Academy Hs
Foreman High School
Gage Park High School
Global Visions High School
Hancock College Preparatory Hs
Harlan Community Academy Hs
Harper High School
Hope College Prep High School
Hubbard High School
Hyde Park Academy High School
Idoc/Healy South High School
Infinity High School
Jones College Prep High School
Juarez Community Academy Hs
Julian High School
Kelly High School
Kelvyn Park High School
Kennedy High School
Kenwood Academy High School
King College Prep High School
Lake View High School
Lane Technical High School
Las Casas Occupational Hs
Linc Alternative High School
Lincoln Park High School
Lindblom Math & Science Acad Hs
Manley Career Academy High School
Mather High School
Morgan Park High School
Multicultural Arts High School
New Millenium Health High School
Noble Street Charter High School
North Lawndale Charter Hs
North-Grand High School
Northside College Prep H S
Payton College Preparatory Hs
Perspectives Charter High School
Phillips Academy High School
Prosser Career Academy Hs
Raby High School
Richards Career Academy Hs
Rickover Naval Academy High Schl
Robeson Achievement Academy Hs
Robeson High School
Roosevelt High School
School Of Leadership High School
School Of Social Justice Hs
School Of Technology High School
School Of The Arts High School
Schurz High School
Second Chance Alternative Hs
Senn Achievement Academy Hs
Senn High School
Simeon Career Academy High School
Simpson Acad Hs For Young Women
South Shore Community Academy Hs
Spry Community Links High School
Steinmetz Academic Centre Hs
Sullivan High School
11/22/2018 Thanksgiving All Schools
11/27/2018 - 11/29/2018 Thanksgiving Break All Schools
12/24/2018 - 1/6/2019 Winter Break All Schools
12/25/2018 Christmas Day All Schools
1/1/2019 New Year's Day All Schools
1/21/2019 Martin Luther King Day All Schools
1/31/2019 School Improvement Day - No Class All Schools
2/1/2019 School Improvement Day All Schools
2/14/2019 Valentine's Day All Schools
2/18/2019 President's Day All Schools
3/10/2019 Daylight Saving Time Begins All Schools
3/17/2019 St. Patrick's Day All Schools
4/5/2019 School Improvement Day All Schools
4/10/2019 Parent-Teacher Day
Bond Elem School
Bontemps Elem School
Boone Elem School
Bouchet Elem Math & Science Acad
Bowen Environmental Studies Hs
Guggenheim Elem School
Gunsaulus Elem Scholastic Academy
Burbank Elem School
Burke Elem School
Hammond Elem School
Hampton Elem Fine & Perf Arts School
Hancock College Preparatory Hs
Hanson Park Elem School
Harlan Community Academy Hs
Pershing Elem Humanities Magnet
Pershing West Elem Magnet School
Peterson Elem School
Phoenix Military Acad H S
Piccolo Elem Specialty School
Pickard Elem School
Pilsen Elem Community Academy
Pirie Elem Fine Arts & Academic C
Plamondon Elem School
Poe Elem Classical School
Pope Elem School
Portage Park Elem School
Williams Medical Prep Elem School
Powell Elem Paideia Comm Academy
Prescott Elem School
Price Intermediate & Upper School
Princeton A C Elem School
Pritzker Elem School
Prosser Career Academy Hs
Prussing Elem School
Pulaski Elem Fine Arts Academy
Pullman Elem School
Randolph Elem School
Ravenswood Elem School
Ray Elem School
Reavis Elem Math & Sci Spec Schl
Reed Elem School
Reilly Elem School
Reinberg Elem School
Revere Elem School
Richards Career Academy Hs
Robeson Achievement Academy Hs
Robinson Elem School
Rogers Elem School
Roque De Duprey Elem School
Rudolph Elem Learning Center
Ruggles Elem School
Ruiz Elem School
Ryder Elem Math & Sci Spec School
Ryerson Elem School
Sabin Elem Magnet School
Salazar Elem Bilingual Center
Sandoval Elem School
Saucedo Elem Scholastic Academy
Sauganash Elem School
Juarez Community Academy Hs
Jungman Elem School
Turner-Drew Elem Language Academy
Sayre Elem Language Academy
Scammon Elem School
Schiller Elem School
Schmid Elem School
Schneider Elem School
School Of Social Justice Hs
Schubert Elem School
Second Chance Alternative Hs
Senn Achievement Academy Hs
Seward Elem Communication Arts Ac
Henson Elem School
Herbert Elem School
Herzl Elem School
Westinghouse Achievement Acad Hs
Westinghouse Career Academy Hs
Hamline Elem School
Hawthorne Elem Scholastic Academy
Hay Elem Community Academy
Hayt Elem School
Healy Elem School
Hearst Elem School
Hedges Elem School
Hefferan Elem School
Henderson Elem School
Hendricks Elem Community Academy
Bunche Elem School
Beasley Elem Magnet Academic Ctr
Beaubien Elem School
Beethoven Elem School
Beidler Elem School
Belding Elem School
Bell Elem School
Belmont-Cragin Elem School
Bennett Elem School
Bethune Elem School
Betsy Ross Elem School
Big Picture Hs - Metro
Big Picture Hs -Back Of The Yards
Howe Elem School
Howland Elem School Of The Arts
Hoyne Elem School
Hughes C Elem School
Hughes L Elem School
Hurley Elem School
Inter-American Elem Magnet School
Irving Elem School
Irving Park Middle School
Jackson A Elem Language Acad
Jackson M Elem School
Jahn Elem School
Jamieson Elem School
Jefferson N Elem Alt School
Jenner Elem Academy Of The Arts
Farren Fine Arts Elem School
Fenger Achievement Academy Hs
Chopin Elem School
Christopher Elem School
Claremont Academy Elem School
Clark G R Elem School
Clay Elem School
King Elem School
Kinzie Elem School
Kipling Elem School
De La Cruz Elem Math & Sci Spec
Decatur Classical Elem School
Delano Elem School
Deneen Elem School
Depriest Elem School
Dett Elem School
Dever Elem School
Dewey Elem Academy Of Fine Arts
Dirksen Elem School
Disney Elem Magnet School
Dixon Elem School
Dodge Elem School
Doolittle Elem School
Dore Elem School
Drake Elem School
Drummond Elem School
Dubois Elem School
Dulles Elem School
Dumas Elem School
Dunbar Vocational Career Acad Hs
Dunne Elem Math Sci & Tech Acad
Durkin Park Elem School
Dvorak Elem Specialty Academy
Earhart Elem Opt For Knowl School
Earle Elem School
Eberhart Elem School
Ebinger Elem School
Edgebrook Elem School
Edison Elem Regional Gifted Cntr
Edwards Elem School
Kipp Chicago Youth Vill Elem Acad
Kohn Elem School
Kozminski Elem Community Academy
Lafayette Elem School
Lara Elem Academy
Las Casas Occupational Hs
Lasalle Elem Language Academy
Bradwell Comm Arts & Sci Elem School
Brennemann Elem School
Brentano Elem Math & Science Acad
Bridge Elem School
Bright Elem School
Brighton Park Elem School
Bronzeville Scholastic Acad Hs
Brooks College Prep Academy Hs
Brown R Elem Community Acad
Brown W Elem School
Brownell Elem School
Brunson Math & Sci Specialty Elem
Buckingham Special Education Ctr
Budlong Elem School
Clemente Achievement Academy Hs
Clemente Community Academy Hs
Cleveland Elem School
Clinton Elem School
Clissold Elem School
Colemon J Elem Academy
Coles Elem Language Academy
Columbia Explorers Elem Academy
Columbus Elem School
Cook Elem School
Suder Montessori Elem Magnet Schl
Sullivan Elem School
Sumner Elem Math & Sci Comm Acad
Sutherland Elem School
Swift Elem Specialty School
Talcott Elem School
Twain Elem School
Univ Of Chicago Elem Charter Schl
Uno Network Elem Charter School
Vanderpoel Elem Magnet School
Vick Early Childhood & Family Ctr
Vines Preparatory Academy Hs
Volta Elem School
Von Humboldt Elem School
Von Steuben Metro Science Hs
Wacker Elem School
Yale Elem School
Yates Elem School
Young Elem School
Young Womens Leadership Chrtr School
Youth Connections Charter Hs
Zapata Elem Academy
Black Magnet Elem School
Blaine Elem School
Lavizzo Elem School
Lawndale Elem Community Academy
Lawrence Elem School
Learn Elem Charter School
Lee Elem School
Legacy Elem Charter School
Leland Elem School
Lemoyne Elem School
Lenart Elem Regional Gifted Ctr
Lewis Elem School
Libby Elem School
Lincoln Elem School
Lindblom College Prep H S
Lindblom Math & Science Acad Hs
Linne Elem School
Little Village Elem School
Lloyd Elem School
Locke A Elem Charter Academy
Locke J Elem School
Logandale Middle School
Lovett Elem School
Lowell Elem School
Lozano Elem Bilingual & Intl Ctr
Lyon Elem School
Madero Middle School
Madison Elem School
Manierre Elem School
Wildwood Elem School
Nia Middle Elem School
Nicholson Elem Math & Science
Nightingale Elem School
Ninos Heroes Elem Academic Ctr
Nixon Elem School
Nobel Elem School
North Lawndale Charter Hs
North River Elem School
Northside College Prep H S
Northside Learning Center
Northwest Middle School
Norwood Park Elem School
Ogden Elem School
Oglesby Elem School
Okeeffe Elem School
Onahan Elem School
Oriole Park Elem School
Orozco Elem Fine Arts & Sciences
Orr Campus Pre-Kindergarten
Ortiz De Dominguez Elem School
Otis Elem School
Otoole Elem School
Overton Elem School
Owen Elem Scholastic Academy
Owens Elem Community Academy
Paderewski Elem Learning Academy
Palmer Elem School
Burley Elem School
Burnham Elem Inclusive Academy
Burnside Elem Scholastic Academy
Burr Elem School
Burroughs Elem School
Byrne Elem School
Caldwell Elem Acad Of Math & Sci
Kipp Ascend Charter Elem School
Field Elem School
Finkl Elem School
Fiske Elem School
Fort Dearborn Elem School
Foster Park Elem School
Foundations Elem School
Franklin Elem Fine Arts Center
Frazier Elem School
Fuller Elem School
Fulton Elem School
Funston Elem School
Galapagos Elem Charter School
Gale Elem Community Academy
Galileo Elem Math & Sci Schol Acd
Gallistel Elem Language Academy
Garvey M Elem School
Garvy J Elem School
Gary Elem School
Gillespie Elem School
Haley Elem Academy
Hamilton Elem School
Henry Elem School
De Diego Elem Community Academy
Calhoun North Elem School
Calumet Career Prep Academy Hs
Cameron Elem School
Haugan Elem School
Coonley Elem School
Cooper Elem Dual Language Academy
Copernicus Elem School
Corkery Elem School
Courtenay Elem Language Arts Ctr
Crane Achievement Academy Hs
Crown Elem Comm Acd Fine Arts Ctr
Farnsworth Elem School
Farragut Career Academy Hs
Talman Elem School
Tanner Elem School
Tarkington Elem School
Taylor Elem School
Telpochcalli Elem School
Thorp J N Elem School
Thorp O A Elem Scholastic Acad
Tilden Achievement Academy Hs
Tilden Career Communty Academy Hs
Tilton Elem School
Tonti Elem School
Trumbull Elem School
Haines Elem School
Cuffe Math-Sci Tech Elem Academy
Cullen Elem School
Curtis Elem School
Daley Elem Academy
Darwin Elem School
Davis Developmental Center
Davis M Elem Academy
Davis N Elem School
Dawes Elem School
Hirsch Metropolitan H S
Hitch Elem School
Holden Elem School
Holmes Elem School
Park Manor Elem School
Parker Elem Community Academy
Parkman Elem School
Goudy Elem School
Graham A Elem School
Graham R Training Center
Grant Elem Community Academy
Gray Elem School
Greeley Elem School
Green W Elem School
Greene N Elem School
Gregory Math & Sci Elem Academy
Gresham Elem School
Grimes Elem School
Solomon Elem School
Songhai Elem Learning Institute
South Chicago Community Elem Schl
South Loop Elem School
South Shore Community Academy Hs
Southside Occupational Acad Hs
Spencer Elem Math & Sci Academy
Spry Elem Community School
Stagg Elem School
Steinmetz Academic Centre Hs
Stevenson Elem School
Stewart Elem School
Stock Elem School
Stockton Elem School
Stone Elem Scholastic Academy
Stowe Elem School
Harte Elem School
Harvard Elem School
Fermi Elem School
Fernwood Elem School
Gladstone Elem School
Goethe Elem School
Goldblatt Elem School
Gompers Elem Fine Arts Opt School
Goodlow Elem Magnet School
Armstrong L Elem Math & Sci
Ashburn Community Elem School
Ashe Elem School
Attucks Elem School
Audubon Elem School
Avalon Park Elem School
Avondale Elem School
Banneker Elem School
Barnard Elem Comp Math & Sci Ctr
Barry Elem School
Barton Elem School
Bass Elem School
Bateman Elem School
Beard Elem School
McKinley Park Elem School
McNair Elem School
McPherson Elem School
Medill Elem School
Melody Elem School
Metcalfe Elem Community Academy
Midway Elem Academy
Mireles Elem Academy
Mitchell Elem School
Mollison Elem School
Monroe Elem School
Montefiore Special Elem School
Moos Elem School
Morgan Elem School
Morrill Elem Math & Sci School
Morse Elem School
Morton Elem Career Academy
Mount Greenwood Elem School
Mount Vernon Elem School
Mozart Elem School
Murphy Elem School
Murray Elem Language Academy
Namaste Elem Charter
Nash Elem School
National Teachers Elem Academy
Near North Special Ed Center
Neil Elem School
Nettelhorst Elem School
New Field Elem School
Newberry Elem Math & Science Acad
Chicago Discovery Academy Hs
Chicago Hs For Agricult Sciences
Chicago International Charter
Chicago Math & Sci Elem Charter
Chicago Military Academy Hs
Chicago Voc Achievement Acad Hs
Chicago Vocational Career Acad Hs
Williams Middle Prep Academy
Williams Multiplex Elem School
Woodlawn Elem Community School
Woods Elem Math & Science Academy
Woodson South Elem School
Ellington Elem School
Emmet Elem School
Englewood Achievement Academy Hs
Englewood Technical Prep Acad Hs
Ericson Elem Scholastic Academy
Erie Elem Charter School
Esmond Elem School
Everett Elem School
Evergreen Academy Elem School
Evers Elem School
Fairfield Elem Academy
Falconer Elem School
Faraday Elem School
Hale Elem School
Sawyer Elem School
Canter Middle School
Canty Elem School
Cardenas Elem School
Carnegie Elem School
Carpenter Elem School
Carroll Elem School
Carson Elem School
Carter Elem School
Carver Middle School
Carver Military Academy Hs
Carver Primary School
Casals Elem School
Cassell Elem School
Castellanos Elem School
Cather Elem School
Chalmers Elem Specialty School
Chappell Elem School
Chase Elem School
Chavez Elem Multicultural Acad Ct
Chgo Childrens Choir Elem Charter
Chicago Academy Elem School
Sexton Elem School
Shabazz International Chart Elem
Sheridan Elem Math & Science Acad
Sherman Elem School
Sherwood Elem School
Shields Elem School
Shoesmith Elem School
Shoop Math-Sci Tech Elem Academy
Simpson Acad Hs For Young Women
Skinner Elem School
Smith W Elem School
Smyser Elem School
Smyth J Elem School
Jensen Elem Scholastic Academy
Johns Elem Community Academy
Johnson Elem School
Joplin Elem School
Jordan Elem Community School
Hibbard Elem School
Higgins Elem Community Academy
Hinton Elem School
Grissom Elem School
Acad Of Comm & Tech Charter Hs
Addams Elem School
Agassiz Elem School
Albany Park Multicultural Elem
Alcott Elem School
Aldridge Elem School
Alternative Learning Community Hs
Altgeld Elem School
Ames Middle School
Andersen H C Elem Community Acad
Anderson S Elem Community Acad
Arai Intl Cps Scholars Middle School
Ariel Elem Community Academy
Armour Elem School
Armstrong G Elem Intl Studies
Parkside Elem Community Academy
Passages Elem Charter
Pasteur Elem School
Payton College Preparatory Hs
Peabody Elem School
Peck Elem School
Peirce Elem Intl Studies School
Penn Elem School
Perez Elem School
Ward L Elem School
Warren Elem School
Washington G Elem School
Washington H Elem School
Waters Elem School
Webster Elem School
Wells Community Academy Hs
Wells Preparatory Elem Academy
Wentworth Elem School
West Park Elem Academy
West Pullman Elem School
Westcott Elem School
Whistler Elem School
White Elem Career Academy
Whitney Elem School
Whittier Elem School
Kanoon Elem Magnet School
Keller Elem Gifted Magnet School
Kellman Corporate Community Elem
Kellogg Elem School
Kershaw Elem School
Key Elem School
Kilmer Elem School
Lathrop Elem School
Blair Early Childhood Center
Abbott Elem School
Wadsworth Elem School
Walsh Elem School
Ward J Elem School
Mann Elem School
Marconi Elem Community Academy
Marquette Elem School
Marsh Elem School
Marshall Metropolitan H S
Marshall Middle School
Mason Elem School
May Elem Community Academy
Mayer Elem School
Mayo Elem School
Mays Elem Academy
McAuliffe Elem School
McClellan Elem School
McCorkle Elem School
McCormick Elem School
McCosh Elem School
McCutcheon Elem School
McDade Elem Classical School
McDowell Elem School
McKay Elem School
4/11/2019 Parent-Teacher Day
Aasta - Orr High School
Acad Of Comm & Tech Charter Hs
Ace Technical Charter High School
Alternative Learning Community Hs
Amundsen High School
Aspira Charter High School
Austin Community High School
Best Practice High School
Big Picture Hs - Metro
Big Picture Hs -Back Of The Yards
Bogan High School
Bowen Environmental Studies Hs
Bowen High School
Bronzeville Scholastic Acad Hs
Brooks College Prep Academy Hs
Calumet Career Prep Academy Hs
Carver Military Academy Hs
Chicago Academy High School
Chicago Discovery Academy Hs
Chicago Hs For Agricult Sciences
Chicago Military Academy Hs
Chicago Voc Achievement Acad Hs
Chicago Vocational Career Acad Hs
Clark Acad Prep Magnet High Schl
Clemente Achievement Academy Hs
Clemente Community Academy Hs
Collins High School
Corliss High School
Cps Virtual Nclb High School
Crane Achievement Academy Hs
Crane Technical Prep High School
Curie Metropolitan High School
Devry Advantage Academy High Schl
Douglass Academy High School
Douglass F Junior High Academy
Dugan Alternative High School
Dunbar Vocational Career Acad Hs
Dusable High School
Dyett High School
Englewood Technical Prep Acad Hs
Entrepreneurshp High School
Excel - Orr High School
Fenger Academy High School
Fenger Achievement Academy Hs
Foreman High School
Gage Park High School
Global Visions High School
Hancock College Preparatory Hs
Harlan Community Academy Hs
Harper High School
Hope College Prep High School
Hubbard High School
Hyde Park Academy High School
King College Prep High School
Lake View High School
Lane Technical High School
Las Casas Occupational Hs
Linc Alternative High School
Lincoln Park High School
Lindblom Math & Science Acad Hs
Manley Career Academy High School
Mather High School
Morgan Park High School
Multicultural Arts High School
New Millenium Health High School
Noble Street Charter High School
North Lawndale Charter Hs
North-Grand High School
Northside College Prep H S
Payton College Preparatory Hs
Perspectives Charter High School
Phillips Academy High School
Prosser Career Academy Hs
Raby High School
Richards Career Academy Hs
Rickover Naval Academy High Schl
Robeson Achievement Academy Hs
Robeson High School
Roosevelt High School
School Of Leadership High School
School Of Social Justice Hs
School Of Technology High School
School Of The Arts High School
Schurz High School
Second Chance Alternative Hs
Senn Achievement Academy Hs
Senn High School
Simeon Career Academy High School
Simpson Acad Hs For Young Women
South Shore Community Academy Hs
Spry Community Links High School
Steinmetz Academic Centre Hs
Sullivan High School
Taft High School
Tilden Achievement Academy Hs
Tilden Career Communty Academy Hs
Uplift Community High School
Vaughn Occupational High School
Vines Preparatory Academy Hs
Von Steuben Metro Science Hs
Washington G High School
Wells Community Academy Hs
Westinghouse Achievement Acad Hs
Westinghouse Career Academy Hs
World Language High School
York Alternative High School
Young Magnet High School
Youth Connections Charter Hs
Idoc/Healy South High School
Infinity High School
Jones College Prep High School
Juarez Community Academy Hs
Julian High School
Kelly High School
Kelvyn Park High School
Kennedy High School
Kenwood Academy High School
4/15/2019 - 4/21/2019 Spring Break All Schools
4/17/2019 School Improvement Day - No Class All Schools
4/21/2019 Easter All Schools
5/5/2019 Cinco De Mayo All Schools
5/27/2019 Memorial Day All Schools
6/17/2019 School Improvement Day - No Class All Schools
6/18/2019 Last Day of School All Schools
6/19/2019 School Improvement Day All Schools
7/4/2019 Independence Day All Schools